Have a question about the competition?
Please submit all questions surrounding the competition using the contact form below.
All questions on the brief must be submitted by 12:00pm on 8 July 2022

There is no guarantee, at this stage, that the Quantity Surveyor who is responsible for the elemental estimate for the submission will be appointed to fulfil the QS role during the remainder of the construction of the project. However this issue will be considered during the adjudication of the submissions, and be influenced by the outcome of the competition. The QS will however be appointed by the client directly.

The R6 million construction budget is excluding all professional fees and VAT.

The more detailed topographical survey as well as the point cloud survey must be used. The larger drawing of the Company’s Gardens is not a detail survey but is indicative of services and larger urban context.

The line of Turkish Oak Trees are shown on the point cloud survey. We will issue the final position on the survey as soon as clarified.

This restriction pertains to the specific areas around trees to be retained - where the ground level should be maintained as far as possible. The intention is that any excavation or changing of the ground level, of more than 200mm, will have an adverse effect on the health of the trees to be retained.

Yes, portions of the low wall may be demolished if the proposed design warrants it.

A larger scale model will not be accepted for adjudication

Here is a link to the DropBox Folder with various formats including .e57 format:
The data available for download until the end of July 2022.

Those who died on the SS Mendi are not part of this memorial.

From September 2022 to June 2023: final design and council approvals and preparation of tender drawings. Construction is expected to start from June 2023 to December 2023.

The survey drawings have been checked and are drawn as scale 1:1 scale in dwg model space and Revit formats. The actual site size is 30,64 x 29,25 metres. The model is to be 1:100 model scale with dimensions of 30,6cm x 29cm which give a small tolerance to allow it to fit within a bigger context model. There may be very minor discrepancies between the different formats.

The dimensions of the site should be 30,63x 29,25metres as per the brief document and dwg survey. There may be very minor discrepancies between the different formats.

The Competition Administrators have considered the request and will extend the physical submission date to the 19 August 2022 @ 12:00pm. The online submission date will remain 12 August 2022.

Currently there are 1666 names known but the memorial is to accommodate a total of 2500 for further names that may be discovered. 2 excel spreadsheets have been uploaded onto the competition documents with the information that is currently available.

2 excel spreadsheets have been uploaded onto the competition documents with the information that is currently available.

2,500 names are to be accommodated on the memorial. 2 excel spreadsheets have been uploaded onto the competition documents with the information that is currently available.

Unfortunately not – the nature of Revit is that you cannot “downsave” as you could do with Autocad previously. The version that we have sent is Revit 2021.

This cannot be allowed, since it would go against the previous preliminary heritage approvals. However, should a participant elect to include a visually unobtrusive element which transgresses the height restriction, like a flag pole or mast, the participant runs the risk that it might not be approved and may need to be removed if the heritage authorities have a problem with it – therefore don’t make the central concept/idea of the project hinge on this aspect.

This cannot be allowed, since it would go against the previous preliminary heritage approvals. However, should a participant elect to include a visually unobtrusive element which transgresses the height restriction, like a flag pole or mast, the participant runs the risk that it might not be approved and may need to be removed if the heritage authorities have a problem with it – therefore don’t make the central concept/idea of the project hinge on this aspect.

There exist very little graphic records of the First World War, due to the fact that photography and film was still in its infant stages, at that time – therefore there is nothing further available to participants at present.

Refer to P54 of the Brief – “a MAXIMUM of 3 x Three Dimensional Drawings”.

The model should be able to fit into a pre-built context model, at scale 1:100, which will be used for adjudication purposes. Therefore the submitted competition model should be built to the exact dimensions supplied – 290mm x 305mm.

To be fair to all participants, the dimensions supplied should be followed.

The competition proposal can utilize 1 meter below the NGL, as part of the design envelope, as per Figure 53. However should a competitor elect to utilize the area below NGL, care must be taken in the vicinity of existing trees, which would need to be retained. The 200mm recommendation is a suggestion in this regard, to protect tree roots etc. However, if more detailed drawings are provided which explains how the existing trees will be protected, it will be acceptable, based on the actual merits of the proposal.

“Option C” above is acceptable. It is more about the principle of pedestrian movement through the competition site in the area of the grey arrows that is important, rather than the actual geometry and levels proposed.

The health of the trees is dependent on the level of soil around them. It is therefore not allowed to increase or decrease the level of soil around existing trees by more than 200mm.

This cannot be allowed, since it would go against the previous preliminary heritage approvals. (However, should a participant elect to include a visually unobtrusive element which transgresses the height restriction, like a flag pole or mast, the participant runs the risk that it might not be approved and might need to be removed if the heritage authorities find it problematic – therefore it is suggested not to make that aspect the central concept/idea of the project, on which the design hinges).

The only information available at this stage has been uploaded as an excel spreadsheet under the competition documents.

We have already supplied the point cloud survey in two different file types, which is all we have from the surveyors – the survey information in Revit, and e57 format, which is the raw files from the surveyors, available till end of July. Please check the link under the previous competition query answer. No additional information will be supplied.